Class OrderDelivery


This Class represents a dataobject for an Order Delivery

Variable Summary
double $BuyPrice
int $Id
int $OrderId
double $Price
string $ServiceType
string $Title
boolean $Vat
double $BuyPrice

The buying price of the delivery

int $DeliveryMethodId

The id of the order of the delivery method of the delivery

int $DroppointId

The the drop point id of the Delivery. NOTE the length of this field is limited to int32. For longer ids please use DroppointIdLong

string $DroppointIdLong

The the drop point id of the Delivery

int $Id

The id of the delivery

int $OrderId

The id of the order of the delivery

double $Price

The price of the delivery

string $ServiceType

The the service type of the Delivery

string $Title

The title of the delivery

boolean $Vat

Indicates whether or not the delivery has vat

Documentation generated on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:22:46 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4